C of EU
I have to admit, I’d sort of assumed that this story was a spoof. I mean, I know I talk about Federasty as a sort of pseudo-religion, but I don’t mean it literally. A service in Westminster Abbey for Europe Day? Looking quickly through the Order of Service, I have to admit that if by some appalling mischance I found myself in the congregation I would have no choice but to spend most of the service in incredulous silence.
I’m as ecumenical as the next chap, but there really is no way that I’m going to give a cursory Amen to, let alone join in with prayers like this:
Lord God our Father,
we affirm our commitment to the European Union
as a force for good in your world.
Guide us, we pray, by your Spirit;
give us wisdom, courage, and hope,
that we may serve you in the cause of justice and friendship,
and remain united in your peace;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
I mean, honestly.
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