Thursday, January 26, 2012

Cognitive problems

In a piece on feminism in the Guardian Suzanne Moore makes the following interesting point about the cognitive difficulties lefties face when it comes to being 'pro-choice':

This is uncomfortable territory for lefties, because if the state should control everything, then no-one can be said to have 'choice' at all.

Oh no, wait. That would be a ludicrous extrapolation based on a fundamental misreading of left-wing politics. What she actually says, with regard to feminist Tories who oppose the sexualisation of children is this:

This is uncomfortable territory for Tories, because if everything is left to a deregulated market, then everybody is up for sale.

Which is, unsurprisingly, a ludicrous extrapolation based on a fundamental misreading of right-wing politics. But then, it's easier arguing against fictional versions of your opponents.


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