Monday, March 05, 2007

Even a stopped clock

Well, you could have knocked me down with a puff...

Fresh in the office this am, boosted by a weekend which saw me out-golf the reptile to secure a famous victory which more than compensates for a trifling hiccup on the squash court sometime back (rematch reptile?), I flicked onto the comment-is-free website feeling more than able to deal with the lunacies of the left.

Avoiding the resident glittering eyed loony, my eye fell on this.

In a nutshell, Hunt compares London 2007 with London c1907 and says 'gosh once again our banks o'erflow the measure, the country is divided and our manufacturing industrial base is stuffed for lo, no one invests. This happened before and was bad news for all and sundry (except the financiers)'.

Well - up to a point Lord Copper. Y'see, there is now a force in the country which is driving inward investment, improving business performance, rewarding and funding innovation, driving product development, accessing new markets and building a fully functional industrial base.

What is this wondrous force? A dour scottish grumble growls a suggestion from the cheap seats at the back, but wrong again Gordon, and subdued he sits down, sulkily picking up someone else's wallet from where they had carelessly left in their pocket, sets fire to its contents.

The correct answer lies, of course, with the locusts.


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